Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This & That

This is an update on where Josh's new computer is at and that is something else entirely. I'll start with "this" since it's pretty short. So far, I've gotten Windows completely loaded and updated on the "beast" after some standing on my head and crossing fingers, toes, and everything else. The color has been chosen: Rustoleum's "Gamma Green" Color Shift paint that does that iridescent color changing stuff. Now, I'm in the annoying process of trying to find a bargain on obsolete RAM. If I can successfully pull this off, I'll be well on my way to being canonized!

Now, on to "that".....well.....that is kind of a long and sordid story. Way back when, don't remember exactly, I fell for the siren charms of the "Portable Computer". No!!! not that kind of portable. Laptops (more correctly called notebooks anyway) are so last decade. No, I mean, desktop components, crammed into a semi-transportable-sewing machine-lookin'-28lb-weighin' "mutha" of a computer! The type goes way back, and oddly enough in this day of the tiny laptops, they still make them. There are some arcane computer (really networking) rituals that apparently can only be performed well on these things, so they still sell a few of them per year and the other 10 or 20,000 go to the military. Who knows what kind of experimentation those guys do to them!

Anyway.....I found couple on eBay, need to get one, will rip its guts out, and rebuild it, don't have any idea what I'm going to do with it, end of story....

Not really, but not too far from the truth either. If I manage to get this thing, it'll be the next project after "Boy Wonder's" computer is done.

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