Saturday, June 21, 2014

It's Finally Summer!!!

It's finally summer time; that precious space between school years during which teachers like my wife and I recharge. If you don't believe me that we need to recharge, I challenge you to think on how badly you want your kids to go back to school at the end of the summer so that your life can go back to "normal! Of course, we don't really get the whole 3 months as most people perceive. In most states, the "school year" starts for teachers by mid-August, and doesn't end till the 2nd week of June. The old days of starts after Labor Day and ends on Memorial Day are long gone. So, we're really talking about a little over 2 months. Back when I was coaching, another 2-3 weeks were eaten up by "other duties as assigned"...... basketball camp, football camp, open gym, equipment sorting, coaching school, "2-a-days"..... you name it! Oh, least I forget, there's the ever popular, "professional development" that's strictly "voluntary" and on your own time, but if enough hours aren't accumulated, you'll be docked pay! I don't mean to be griping, but those are our realities.
In our house, there is also the yearly cleaning out, where my wife goes through not only the household stuff, but each child's room "top to bottom". That means every item! When all is said and done, this has taken one whole week. This year, we've also had the pleasure of moving all my wife's classroom stuff into our garage for the summer as she's moving grades and parts of the building.
This year, we also had my missionary sister-in-law (and her family) come home for furlough. That's six more people. On top of which, her dad and step-mother had already moved out here last Thanks Giving. So that makes 8 adults and 8 children at all events! When you put that all together with the cleaning, and everything else, the first two weeks of the summer got wiped out. 
So, is the first day of summer for me! As is typical for me in the summer, there are list of things that I'd like to get done, need to get done and "have" to get done. So for the next few posts, I'll talk about those list, the subjects that they encompass and how I propose to get as much done as possible during the 2 months that I have before we start school again.

Of course, I'm going to try and cram as much fun in as possible involving my favorite hobbies! After all: what's summer for?

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