Friday, July 3, 2009

I've been inspired!

Due to my wife's (Chen's Corner) and Jeffrey Friedl's Blogs, I've finally managed to motivate myself to give it a try. So what is a propellerhead and what is "Frugal Propellerhead" all about?

For anyone who's known me for any amount of time, you'll know that I love anything technical, thus "propellerhead". And of course, being a teacher and a father of 2 kids, the "frugal" part is pretty obvious too!

So, what are my writing topics going to be? Since my wife Camille already is doing a Blog on the family stuff, I'll concentrate most of my writing to the interests I spend most of my free-time (and I use that term loosely) doing: which are photography/camera equipment, computers, and audio/video.... mostly. Of course, it is a Blog, so I imagine that I'll ramble and get "off-topic" (read rant) as well on occasion.

Where do we start? We recently returned home from an Alaska vacation which included, a land tour, week-long cruise and a few extra days in British Columbia before we came home. The fact that it's summer, and this 2 week trip called virtually all aspects of my various hobbies into play makes it a great place to start. Obviously, there were lots of photographs and since these were digital, and in excess of 1800 files, involved carrying a notebook computer as well as other storage solutions to handle them. This had the added benefit of allowing us internet access whenever we were in port and the various parts of the trip on land!

In the next post, I'll start with the camera equipment part.

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