Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Smart-Watch This!

So......yeah...... I got an Apple Watch last night..... OK; I didn't buy one. I didn't need it. However, when something falls into your lap..... Here's what happened. I've been trying to sell off my "reconstructed" MacBook. I took a liquid killed MacBook, married the screen to a good base with missing parts and there you go. It still had a dead battery, and I had some bad luck with it, like when I met a buyer about a week ago, and it wouldn't fire up. Turns out that the Starbuck's plugs were out, but he got scared off and I was stuck with this thing that I neither wanted nor needed. Then, this weekend, a guy contacted me to see if I wanted to trade the MacBook for his Apple Watch. I neither wanted nor needed one, but here it was....
You see, I have this. Actually, have had for around a year now and love it! It does pretty much everything I want and last for something like 4 days on a charge, which is very close to what my iPhone 5S does (I'm not a heavy user). And if I switch back to Android (which I'm contemplating), it will work just fine with that as well. 
Then, what's all this nonsense with the Apple Watch? Caught up in the hoopla? Want the latest "cool gadget"?, none of those things. Sure, I'd like to see what a more "complete" iteration of the smartwatch can do for me. And I'm thinking that the tight integration with my iPhone will make both more useful. But the bottom line is this: It's worth around $200 and I was having trouble selling the MacBook (it was a Mid-2009 Core 2 Duo CPU) at $165. So, if it turns out that I don't think it's worth keeping, I'll bet that I can sell it for something close to the market price. So, that's it? a simple business calculation?
No, not completely. Today, is the day of the wearable. These things have hit the sweetspot in terms of function, desirability and price. I usually know this when my wife tells me she wants some sort of gadget. Earlier this month, for Mother's Day, she asked for a Fitbit. This tells me everything I need to know. Just like 12 years ago when she asked for an iPod. I knew it was time.
I will say that in her case, it was more about monitoring health, than communications (like me). She's had trouble sleeping and wanted to keep an eye on that as well as her pulse-oxygen, so it's "a thing". I must say, that it's a pretty cool concept. We'll see how it plays out. Whether it's just a fad or a lifestyle change.
For me; as of today, I'm wearing a Space Grey, Sport model. We'll see whether it'll be a nicer looking Pebble or I'll actually end up learning to use the additional capabilities. Actually, my biggest concern isn't whether I'm going to use the capabilities, but it's more whether I'm going to be OK with a need to recharge in less than half the wear-time? Stay tuned..... Only time will tell.....

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